But a government that leaves today’s service-people with no air defences, and could fine a farming couple $40k for not obediently kneeling to commands to wear safety helmets on their own bikes, would have struck them as the kind of rulers they were fighting. They would not have listened long to speeches from politicians trying to wrap themselves in lost historical glory, paid for by people whose values they now despise.
Full article
Before going any further make sure you have read the brilliant article by Stephen Franks. Fundamentally I agree with the thrust of the argument that is presented to the reader. Below is my commentary on what I call New Zealand's zombie culture.
New Zealand has 2 key obsessions .These obsession’s have destroyed a generation of people ability to think critically. I am of course talking about New Zealand Anti American Nuclear Ban and Treaty of Waitangi payouts that have been an endless drain on the tax payer.
In a previous article I referred to the ignorant generation that has doomed the next generation to deal with the mistakes being made by current western political leaders. As the ignorant generation is a product of the Zombie Culture , let's consider what has been inflicted upon New Zealand.
The first duty of the government is the defence of the realm. Yet if you were to believe the prevailing political wisdom the obsessions I mentioned above are at the forefront of any government's sworn duty. Voters have failed to punish successive government's that have undermined the New Zealand Defence Force. How many of those voters would turn against any political party whose policy stance was to end Maori Welfare, err The Treaty of Waitangi gravy train?
The madness goes on to a point where as a nation New Zealand doesn't discuss the emergence of China as a military and economic power. The rise of China as a global power is the greatest challenge New Zealand has ever faced. Simply viewing China as the number 1 customer for our dairy exports (This is John Key's thinking) is intellectually bankrupt.
The Main Stream Media must bear it's share of the blame for the ever rising number of Kiwi Zombies. Zombies watch the 6 o'clock news and believe they have been served up actual news. The latest murder trial or irrelevant human interest story isn't news worthy. The events that are defining our time are taking place in places like the Spratly Islands and not in your local court house.
I wish to finish up on a more positive note. Below is a brief look at some recommended reading for those who delve into the history,geopolitics and foreign policy arenas. The list is by no means exhaustive and is only indicative of the resources that are available to the contemporary reader.
- Winning The Peace Australia’s Campaign to Change the Asia-Pacific by Andrew Carr . Andrew Carr joined The Lens of History studio for a chat about his book.
- Currently I am reading Robert Kaplan's book: The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate.
- The Strategist,the official blog of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
In my experience the best thing I ever did was to ditch the nightly TV news broadcast. The time I have saved has been well spent in furthering my passion's for Geopolitics , history and their ties to foreign policy. History and geography will shape New Zealand's future. No amount of denial's or Straw Man's from the ignorant generation and it's perpetrates will ever change this fact.